Dr. Haofeng Li  李灏峰
I am a Research Scientist in Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).
I am searching for visiting/MSc/MPhill students that wish to work under my supervision in SRIBD-CUHK(SZ). Please send your CV to lihaofeng@cuhk.edu.cn. (Updated on 2023/10/24)

本人招收有意于在港中大(深圳)开展科研实习或攻读硕士的申请者,欢迎联系我邮箱: lihaofeng@cuhk.edu.cn(2023/10/24更新)
[Google Scholar] [Github] [ResearchGate] [ORCID] [SRIBD] [CUHK(SZ)]
Research Interests: Medical Image Analysis, Deep Neural Networks


2020.06-Now, Research Scentist in SRIBD, CUHK(SZ)
2015.09-2020.03, PhD in Computer Science, HKU; advised by IEEE Fellow Prof. Yizhou Yu
2011.09-2015.06, BSc in Computer Science, Sun Yat-Sen University; GPA Rank of 1/102

Professional Activities



IEEE TPAMI (CCF-A), IEEE TIP (CCF-A), IEEE TCYB (CCF-B), Pattern Regconition (CCF-B), Neurocomputing, IEEE Access, The Visual Computer Journal, NeurIPS 2022, MICCAI 2023
China Computer Federation CCF, IEEE


2022-Now, Haifan Gong, SYSU ---> PhD Cand. in SRIBD-CUHK(SZ)
2022-Now, Luoyao Kang, MPhil Cand. in SRIBD-CUHK(SZ)
2021-Now, Wei LOU, PhD Cand. in SRIBD-CUHK(SZ)
2021-Now, Junjia Huang, SYSU ---> Intern in SRIBD
2022-2023, Xinyi Yu, MPhil in HKUST ---> Engineer in SRIBD
2022-2023, Zihang Xu, Intern in SRIBD
2020-2021, Hong-Yu Zhou, PhD Cand. in HKU
2018-2019, Guanqi Chen, SYSU ---> PhD Cand. in HKU
2018-2019, Xiang He, SYSU ---> CloudWalk


Affine-Consistent Transformer for Multi-Class Cell Nuclei Detection
Junjia Huang*, Haofeng Li*(Equal contribution), Xiang Wan, and Guanbin Li
ICCV 2023
Arxiv   Code Released!  

Diffusion-based Data Augmentation for Nuclei Image Segmentation
Xinyi Yu, Guanbin Li, Wei LOU, Siqi Liu, Xiang Wan, Yan Chen, and Haofeng Li#(Corresponding)
Arxiv   Code Released!  

Prompt-based Grouping Transformer for Nucleus Detection and Classification
Junjia Huang*, Haofeng Li*(Equal contribution), Weijun Sun, Xiang Wan, and Guanbin Li
Arxiv   Code Released!  

Visual-Attribute Prompt Learning for Progressive Mild Cognitive Impairment Prediction
Luoyao Kang*, Haifan Gong*, Xiang Wan, and Haofeng Li#(Corresponding)
Arxiv   Code Released!  

ASC: Appearance and Structure Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Fetal Brain MRI Segmentation
Zihang Xu*, Haifan Gong*, Xiang Wan, and Haofeng Li#(Corresponding)
Arxiv   Code Released!  

Multi-stream Cell Segmentation with Low-level Cues for Multi-modality Images
Wei LOU, Xinyi Yu, Chenyu Liu, Xiang Wan, Guanbin Li, Siqi Liu, Haofeng Li#(Corresponding)
Winner Finalist Award (The 2nd place in 100 teams) in NeurIPS 2022 Challenge CellSeg, to appear in PMLR
Arxiv   Code   HuggingFace   Napari  

Which Pixel to Annotate: a Label-Efficient Nuclei Segmentation Framework
Wei Lou, Haofeng Li#(Corresponding), Guanbin Li, Xiaoguang Han, Xiang Wan
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IF=11.037), 2022.11
Arxiv   Blog   Code   Patent

Attentive Symmetric Autoencoder for Brain MRI Segmentation
Junjia Huang, Haofeng Li#(Corresponding), Guanbin Li#, Xiang Wan
Early Accept (top 13%) in MICCAI, 2022.09
Arxiv   Blog   Code   Patent

Thyroid region prior guided attention for ultrasound segmentation of thyroid nodules
Haifan Gong, Jiaxin Chen, Guanqi Chen, Haofeng Li, Guanbin Li, Fei Chen
Computers in Biology and Medicine (CBM, IF=6.698), 2023.03

View-Disentangled Transformer for Brain Lesion Detection
Haofeng Li, Junjia Huang, Guanbin Li, Zhou Liu, Yihong Zhong, Yingying Chen, Yunfei Wang, Xiang Wan
International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2022.03
Arxiv   Code   Patent

Robust Real-World Image Super-Resolution against Adversarial Attacks
Jiutao Yue*, Haofeng Li* (Equal Contribution), Pengxu Wei, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin
ACM Multimedia (CCF A), 2021.10
Arxiv   Blog   Code

SSMD: Semi-Supervised medical image detection with adaptive consistency and heterogeneous perturbation
Hong-Yu Zhou*, Chengdi Wang*, Haofeng Li* (Equal Contribution), et al.
Medical Image Analysis (IF = 8.545), 2021.08

Online Alternate Generator against Adversarial Attacks
Haofeng Li, Yirui Zeng, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin, Yizhou Yu
TIP (CCF A, IF=10.856), 2020.09
Arxiv   Patent

Motion Guided Attention for Video Salient Object Detection
Haofeng Li, Guanqi Chen, Guanbin Li, Yizhou Yu
ICCV (CCF A), 2019.11
Arxiv   Blog   Code

ROSA: Robust Salient Object Detection Against Adversarial Attacks
Haofeng Li, Guanbin Li, Yizhou Yu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (JCR Q1, IF=11.079), 2019

Context Aware Semantic Inpainting
Haofeng Li, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin, Hongchuan Yu, Yizhou Yu
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (JCR Q1), 2018

Non-Local Context Encoder: Robust Biomedical Image Segmentation against Adversarial Attacks
Xiang He, Sibei Yang, Guanbin Li, Haofeng Li, Huiyou Chang, Yizhou Yu
Oral Presentation in AAAI (CCF A), 2019

Harvesting Visual Objects from Internet Images via Deep Learning Based Objectness Assessment
Kan Wu, Guanbin Li, Haofeng Li, Jianjun Zhang, Yizhou Yu
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications TOMM (CCF B), 2019

Context and Adversarial Learning in Low-level Vision
Haofeng Li
PhD Thesis, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR, 2020








Honors & Grants

2023-2025,Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金面上项目(主持)

2022-2024, National Natural Science Fund of China, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(主持)

2022.12, Winner Finalist Award (The 2nd place in 100 teams) in NeurIPS 2022 Challenge CellSeg,细胞分割挑战全球亚军(指导老师/通讯作者)

2021.05, Overseas High-Caliber Personnel in Shenzhen 深圳市海外高层次人才

2015-2020, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, HKPF 港府博士奖学金

2014.12, Silver Medal in ACM-ICPC, Asia Regional 国际大学生程序设计竞赛亚洲区域赛银牌

2012,2013,2014, National Scholarship in China (top 1% awarded) 国家奖学金(本科阶段,三次获得)

2017.05, 2nd Runner-up Prize in Hang Seng Bank FinTech Hackathon, 10,000 HKD

2014.10, China Computer Federation (CCF) Outstanding Undergraduate Award (100 awardees)

2014.04, Meritorious Winner of American Mathematical Contest in Modeling


Program Language: Python, C++/C, Lua, Matlab
Deep Learning Tool: Pytorch, Torch, Caffe
English Level: IELTS 7.0 (Reading 8.5, Writing 7.0), CET-6 545, CET-4 576